I certify that the information contained in this application for employment and any oral or written information that I have furnished separately
during the course of pre-screening and employment interviews or otherwise, is and shall be true and correct. I understand that any
misrepresentation or omission of a fact in my application may be grounds for refusal to hire or dismissal if I am employed. I agree to immediately
notify SUNRISE if I should be convicted of a felony, or any crime involving dishonest, breach of trust, controlled substances, sexual misconduct,
abuse, or violence, while my job application is pending, or during my period of employment, if hired.
I authorize any person, school, current employer, past employer(s)m and organizations named in this application and/or resume to provide
SUNRISE with any information and opinion requested by SUNRISE in connection with any application, and I release such persons and
organizations from any legal liability in making such statements.
I understand that SUNRISE employs in the United States only those individuals authorized to work in the United States. I will produce the
required documents, within three days of my date of hire, demonstrating my identity and my authorization to work in the United States.
I understand and agree that SUNRISE policies and procedures do not create an obligation or rights relating to employment and may be amended at
SUNRISE sole discretion at any time. I also understand and agree that my employment with SUNRISE is at will and as such, my employment and
compensation can be terminated, with or without cause or reason and with or without prior notice, at any time, at the option of either SUNRISE or
myself. No agreements or assurances contrary to the above will be valid unless in writing and signed by the President of SUNRISE.
Through a separate agency, SUNRISE may investigate your credit record, motor vehicle record and/or criminal record. If applicable, you will be
provided with a separate authorization and release form for this purpose.