The first call

When you contact Sunrise, we will record your contact information and refer you to one of our account managers. One of our account managers will then call or send an email to initiate a discussion of your interests and goals for your landscape maintenance. After an appointment has been scheduled, you will meet with the account manager on your property to consult and physically survey the prospective areas of development.

The first meeting

During your meeting, the account manager and you will have a dialog to determine what priorities you may have regarding your landscape. The account manager will ask, answer questions, and help develop ideas to enhance and maintain areas on your property. The areas in question will be measured either on foot or with a computer for accuracy.

Creating the contract

After the meeting, your account manager will take the information you provided during the consultation and create a proposal to maintain or enhance the landscape. If the proposal is accepted and payment is arranged, the account manager will proceed forward and schedule your maintenance work.

Management of your property

Your account manager will be your point of contact for the duration of your maintenance contract. Our goal is to simplify your daily concerns by having your account manager be your eyes and ears on your property. Your account manager is there to keep your landscape maintained according to the contract.