Latest Information:
Dear Valued Sunrise Client,
We wanted to send out a follow up email from the Governor’s updated Stay-at-Home order that was issued yesterday, Monday, March 30th. We are still operating and providing services. However, we are operating with reduced staff given our challenges to hire at this time AND having our employees freely take a day off should they feel they are unsure of their health or the health of a loved one.
Landscaping companies have been designated as “essential businesses” as we are providing the necessary services and protect the living environment within our communities by:
- performing regular maintenance to mow, prune control weeds, and inspect for safety and security issues;
- performing essential treatments to reduce the spread of dangerous and deadly diseases through pests like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas;
- removing fallen trees and mitigating overhead hazards from wind effects;
- providing maintenance and plant removal to assist in fire abatement;
- managing invasive species; and
- keeping public and private pathways free from obstruction and potential risk.
While we are operating, our staff are following strict guidelines for social distancing, disinfecting their trucks and equipment, and handwashing.
If the situation should change, regarding illness and shut down for quarantine purposes, we will post the information on our website and reach out to you, as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience and understanding in this unprecedented event. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call us. We look forward to getting out to your property and making them an extension of your living space so you can enjoy the outdoors.
March 24, 2020
Dear Valued Clients and Friends,
Due to recent circumstances with Covid 19, we realize many of you may be wondering what is happening with Sunrise Landscape and Design. Are they going to continue to provide services? Are they following proper safety measures? Are they still open? Currently the answers are Yes, Yes, and Yes.
We are still open and operational. The very nature of our business allows us to easily practice social distancing because we are outside when at your property. We are planning to run business as usual as we continue to monitor the latest developments while making sure that we follow all appropriate recommendations from health authorities.
As far as safety precautions we thought we would let you know some of the measures we are taking to ensure both our employees and our clients are safe and stay healthy.
- We have talked with all our employees about the importance of proper hand washing and keeping their office areas, trucks, and equipment clean.
- When an Account Manager or Designer visits your property for an estimate, we will practice social distancing and will not shake hands. We can always come up with another way to meet using Face Time and other video chats so if you would prefer that method just speak with your account manager. If anyone in your home is ill, please let us know and we will reschedule the appointment.
- Field employees will physically continue working on your property. Now, more than ever, you will need an outdoor space to enjoy.
- If you have a question regarding a service, please call our office and someone will talk to you on the phone and relay a message to the technician on your property. This will help with limiting our contact with one another.
- Within our building the office staff each has their own office or cubicle and have more than adequate distance between them. We are also making sure we wipe down our office area daily.
- We have equipped our facility with sanitizer and have instructed staff on cleaning frequently touched surfaces.
- Our field employees are practicing social distancing by not coming in the building for their morning meetings. Meetings are held outdoors at a proper distance.
- Field employees are staggering their times to avoid too many people at the building at once.
Sunrise Landscape and Design’s highest priority is to protect the health and well-being of our clients and staff. Based on our own preparedness and following these measures, we are confident that Sunrise will continue to be safe and remain open for business.
Whether it’s your lawn, landscape, patio, walkway, or simply helping keep mosquitos and ticks at bay; Sunrise looks forward to providing you with green outdoor spaces so you can get outside and enjoy the beauty around you! As always, please feel free to reach out to us at any time 703-544-0028.